Friday, March 02, 2007

I'm leaving!

I have moved here. Blogger is getting harder to use, more problems than I care to deal with. Also, I like being able to respond to the comments that are left on my posts and blogger will not let me do that. So, please, come on over to my new home!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

For those of you that read this post, a little update. My latest pap came back NORMAL. I have now had all but one since my cold knife cone come back normal. I go back in June, which will be considered my annual visit, and if that one comes back normal, I won't have to come back for another year. This is great news for someone that has gone for a pap too many times to count in the last 2 years!

Last night I was brushing Alyssa's teeth before bed and, lo and behold, what do I fine? My baby has 2, count 'em, 2 new teeth coming in!! Two top molars. One on each side!

Yesterday I picked Kaylie up from after-school care and she informs me that she had a nightmare the night before and wants to know if I want to know what it was about. Sure. So she tells me. Chris was picking her up from daycare. It was storming outside, really storming. And, there was an elephant, a mean elephant. He came charging toward the truck. He was a mean elephant and he was trying to kill people. He had horns.

That's it, that was the nightmare.

Now, a little background on the alleged nightmare. First of all, all day long yesterday they had been talking about the storms that we were going to get that night and today and 2 seconds before the nightmare story, Kaylie was telling me how scared she was gonna be whenever it was gonna storm. Secondly, at school they learn to read a new story each week. This week's character? You guessed it, an elephant.

The girl has got some imagination though, maybe she will be a writer one day. Or maybe she's just a big fat liar and will be a used car salesman one day, lol.

Kidding, she's waaaaaaay too smart for that!