Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I have been toying with the idea of moving my blog to Wordpress. Mainly because, I like being able to respond when someone leaves me a comment. I don't want to seem like I don't really care about what you have to say. I don't, but I don't want to seem that way. Anyway, I will be making that decision soon. Until then programming will continue as scheduled, please check your local listings.

For the past 2 days at around 7 or so, Alyssa has had a complete meltdown. She has eaten so she's not hungry, she's just tired. Anything and everything will make her cry and scream and fling herself around. Normally, Alyssa is a very easy going little girl, only getting upset when she's tired or hungry. Now she is becoming a little more independent and gets mad when she doesn't get what she wants.

Case in point: Alyssa loves end tables, has loved them since she was old enough to really see them and understand that there are things on them. Things she cannot have. When she sits with me on the couch, she will eventually try to get to the tables. I tell her no, and move her away. OMG!!! This has really been pissing her off lately. That is pretty much what started her meltdowns the last two nights. I finally had to just turn off almost all the lights and sit down in the recliner and rock with her until she finally calmed down.

Like I said, the reason for this is she is tired. I don't know if she's napping less at her babysitter (note to self: ask them, duh) or if she's going through a growth spurt (that would be great) and needs more rest. Either way, I am NOT going to move her bedtime earlier than it is. She goes to bed by 8:30 on the weeknights. Some nights we don't get home until 5:30 and then I have to make dinner and I don't end up getting to spend much time with the girls before bedtime as it is. I don't want to lose more of that time. I think I will ask her babysitter to try to get her to take either longer naps or more naps and maybe that will help, who knows.

Poor, poor sad Lissy


Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

Aw, poor baby! I always felt like I was jipped out of spending time with my daughter during the week too. It's not fair only getting to spend a few hours with your little ones if you have to work. Hopefully all she needs is a longer nap! Good luck!!

I meant to ask you if you mind me adding you to my blog list?

Kelly said...

AAwww....she looks so sad!! But she is still very adorable!! Hopefully its the nap issue..if not maybe it's a stage she's going through...

hmm I added you to my blog list to that ok??? I'm still new to this blogging I'm not sure of the blogging etiquette here!

Happy Working Mom said...

Oh my gosh...I know exactly how you feel! I hate it that by the time I feed them and clean up, I have so little time with them. That's definitely why our kids really don't go to bed before 9:30 or 10:00 (my daughter has always had late nights, and I think we may have finally trained my son to go to bed later and sleep in later). I do have the advantage that we take them to the sitter's still asleep. So we don't have to wake them up and dress them or anything, so they are still getting the amount of sleep they are supposed to.

Good luck with Alyssa's meltdowns...those are never fun! I hope she's just growing!

Unknown said...

I've seen a lot of people move to WP from Blogger lately. I'm a WP fan and have been using it for a couple years now. Actually designed my company intranet using the downloadable version. So if you decide to move and have problems, don't hesitate to ask for help.

She DOES look distraught in that photo! Hopefully, it's just a phase... but what do I know, I'm just a guy.

Mamacita Tina said...

Is Morgan still taking two naps? If not, she might still need two naps during the day. Laurel definitely still needs her two naps. Good luck.

Susan in va said...

Poor little thing! So sad :(

I've been considering switching to WordPress, too. You'll have to let me know what you think. I tried out TypePad, but I didn't like it.