Monday, January 12, 2009

I see you! No really, I can!

So apparently, today is Delurking Day in the blogosphere. Who knew? Well, not me since I don't blog like I used to. I am trying to get back to regular blogging. I know I've lost some readers what with the whole, I'm blogging, I'm not blogging, I'm private, I'm not private crap. But, rest assured, that shit is done with. I am blogging. I am not private. And I know you are so excited you might pee your pants!!

So, come out, come out wherever you are! Seriously! I will kick ass if I have to. I've done it before. Ok, no, I haven't, but I've threatened it before!


Kelly said...

I'm the first de-lurker!

Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

I thought you stopped blogging - then I saw you commented at Kellie's so I had to come by.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Here I am... I just caught up with your blog again recently... glad to hear you are doing well! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not a lurker. But I will comment!

SJINCO said...

Well you caught me. Here I am in all my glory!! Even I comment fairly often....

Happy de-lurking day!

Ashley said...

Hey! Maybe I should do this too. :)

Isabel said...

Happy Delurking Day!

BS said...

I don't lurk - I read, but am very bad at leaving comments !

Bethany said...

I have the same thing going on at my place. Blog, don't blog, blah blah.

I'm here!

Kelly said...

I'm not really a lurker but just a bad commentor!! How ya been?

Anonymous said...

How about de-lurking a day late?
I swear I need a week's notice or something so I could remember to actually CHECK everyone's blogs on the right day.
Anyway. Happy day.